Members benefit from an exceptionally responsive and thoughtful staff that cares about supporting grantmakers as they strive for higher performance and better outcomes. The Philanthropy Southeast staff is approachable, knowledgeable and dedicated to delivering events and programs of the highest quality while connecting members to a wealth of resources and insight on best practices and trends in philanthropy. Learn more about our team here.
Member Benefits & Exclusives
Philanthropy Southeast members also receive:
- Discounted rates for all Philanthropy Southeast events, as well as events presented in partnership with other organizations
- Access to an easy-to-navigate collection of online resources, including guidance on best practices, sample documents and salary reports
- Online access to a constantly growing library of research reports from regional and national organizations
- Access to professional experts for advice on legal, financial, accounting and compliance matters
- Legislative updates and policy alerts focused on relevant issues in Washington or Southeastern state legislatures
- Connect, Philanthropy Southeast’s weekly newsletter highlights the latest trends, commentary and news in philanthropy, featuring both regional and national items
- Inspiration, Philanthropy Southeast’s quarterly magazine focused on telling the stories of foundations that are transforming their communities, as well as innovations and emerging best practice
- Discounts on products, subscriptions and memberships from various partners, including products like The Foundation Desk Reference and BoardSource
- And more!