Submit Your Topics for the 2023 Annual Meeting!
Planning is now underway for this year’s Annual Meeting, taking place November 8-10 in Montgomery, Alabama. As we begin to build out our agenda, we want to hear from Philanthropy Southeast members about which topics we should explore in our breakout sessions.
Due to the cancellation of last year’s Annual Meeting, there are a few things to keep in mind about this year’s Call for Topics:
- Some topics from last year’s agenda will be considered for inclusion at the 2023 Annual Meeting. Others will be repurposed into webinars, adapted for other in-person programs – such as the Family Foundations Forum – or explored via articles on our blog or in Inspiration magazine.
- To help ensure our agenda captures the state of philanthropy today, we encourage you to submit topics focused on recent developments, new initiatives and emerging trends that have risen to prominence in the past year.
- If a topic you submit is selected, we may ask you to serve on our Annual Meeting Session Design Team to develop your idea further, recruit speakers and work with the Philanthropy Southeast staff on session logistics.
Our full agenda will include sessions focused on these four areas:
- Best & Next Practice – These topics are designed to make organizations more effective and impactful in their giving (e.g., evaluation, collaboration, diligence, reporting).
- Giving Strategies & Priorities – These topics typically focus on community issues, initiatives or programming that reflect giving priorities (e.g., education, health care).
- Governance & Leadership – These topics focus on internal operations and strategies for effective leadership and management (e.g., compliance, investments, governance, communications, staff and trustee development, recruitment and retention).
- Communities & Ecosystems – These topics focus on broad issues facing Southern communities, philanthropy, the charitable sector or society generally (e.g., demographics, public policy, next generation issues, diversity/equity, nonprofit capacity).
In addition to topics, this survey will also allow you to submit ideas for keynote and plenary speakers for this year’s meeting – we’re excited to hear your ideas!
The survey will allow you to submit up to three topics. If you have more than three topics, please send your submission to Chris Yueh, Philanthropy Southeast’s director of events and meetings, at
Submissions are due Friday, February 17!