Programs & Member Benefits

PRIORITIES Public Policy Programs & Member Benefits

Programs & Member Benefits

The goal of Philanthropy Southeast's public policy offerings is to effectively inform members about the public policy process and inform policymakers about Southern philanthropy, its impact across the region, and the need for policies that promote charitable giving and enhance philanthropy's impact.

Year-Round Offerings

The political news cycle never stops – that’s why Philanthropy Southeast regularly provides members with information on current issues and developments in Washington and in state capitols throughout the region. These resources include: 

Public Policy Update: This monthly newsletter sent to all Philanthropy Southeast members recaps recent developments, looks at what’s on the horizon and identifies opportunities to engage with policymakers and ensure philanthropy’s voice is heard. 

Webinars: Regular legal and legislative updates are part of an ongoing series of virtual programs that provide the opportunity to hear from experts, get answers to burning questions and hear from fellow Philanthropy Southeast members.  

Policy alerts: When news breaks Philanthropy Southeast sends out policy alerts that keep members informed of the latest developments and whether any action – including calls or emails to lawmakers – is needed.

In-Person Opportunities

While any form of outreach can be effective, meeting with policymakers face-to-face remains the most effective way to advance philanthropy’s public policy interests. Philanthropy Southeast helps facilitate these critical interactions in two main ways:

Foundations on the Hill: Philathropy Southeast prides itself on regularly bringing the largest delegation of philanthropic professionals in the country to this annual event, when foundation leaders meet with lawmakers and key staff members to discuss philanthropy’s work in their communities and how policy decisions can affect our sector’s ability to improve lives and communities.

In-District Meetings: Even when Congress is out of session, Philanthropy Southeast members make sure our voice is heard by meeting with representatives and senators on their home turf. We assist members in setting up these events and providing resources that allow them to effectively deliver their message.


Southern Trends Report

Looking for even more information to deliver to lawmakers? Our Southern Trends Report is updated each year with the most recent grantmaking data for each state in the Philanthropy Southeast footprint.

View the online report



If you have questions about Philanthropy Southeast's public policy work, would like support in setting up a meeting with policymakers, or want to know more about what kinds of advocacy foundations can, or cannot, engage in, contact Jaci Bertrand, Philanthropy Southeast's executive vice president, at (404) 524-0911 or via email at







Jaci Bertrand

Vice President of Member Engagement


Connecting with Philanthropy Southeast:
The Philanthropy Southeast staff works remotely – the best way to reach us is by email or by calling (404) 524-0911.

Monday-Thursday from 9:00am–6:00pm (ET)

On Fridays, staff work on a flexible schedule. Members can reach our team via email or by calling (404) 524-0911 between 9:00am and 6:00pm (ET). We will respond to all urgent and time-sensitive matters promptly.

Mailing address:
100 Peachtree Street NW, Suite 2080
Atlanta, GA 30303

Mission: Philanthropy Southeast strengthens Southern philanthropy, welcoming our members to listen, learn and collaborate on ideas and actions to help build an equitable, prosperous South.